NUMPLATE RIADER is the best service solution for number plate recognition, powered by advanced AI and machine learning technology. Highly accurate and fast service for your needs. - AI.RIA.COM
Right now you can try NUMPLATE RIAder for free Examples of images with number plates.
We can currently recognize all of the number plate examples below. All of these formats are included in our datasets, for other countries we cannot guarantee good recognition quality. Also, with the help of our service, you can get the license plate format, but currently it works only for post USSR countries 'ua', 'ru', 'kz', 'ge', 'by', 'su'. For all others, the region will be determined as 'eu'. We are currently working on adding a classification for all supported countries.
The automatic license plate recognition system is widely available on the network, but most service providers cannot read license plates that are photographed at a significant angle, or in such a way that the number plate photo has non-linear distortions. We also learned to recognize license plates that are written in Cyrillic. Users of the online classifieds of the project, for whom the license plate recognition system was created, uploaded photos of different quality and different angles, so we have been constantly improving our models for about 5 years and have made significant progress in this field, so our service is suitable for demanding users.
There is an opensource version of Nomeroff Net that you can try to configure and use yourself. If you prefer simple interaction with the service, do not want to allocate additional resources to the recognition process, and want to have access to models with improved quality, you can use NUMPLATE RIAder.